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Capsule Drop #1 Foo Fighters’ 25th anniversary
I was wearing a Bush one from 1997 at the weekend.
I foolishly threw out my colour and the shape tour one along with most of the others from that era when I moved once.
I know.
Don't know if I can go back to having just a drewer. I like them all hanging up. I think they're 80% foo.
yea, at some point, i threw out (or my mum did) my long sleeve TCATS top. i lived in that thing.
Ahh that sucks! Parents eh! Don’t know the sentimental value of our battered shirts
My Bush one has survived well. It's been worn a fair bit. Has long sleeves.
I love a good long sleeve. I have so many Simpsons shirts with long sleeves and they’re the best! Comfy as anything - especially now it’s colder
Am currently wearing my new yellow long sleeved from this drop.
I do like it. I shall be purchasing more from tonight's drop
Long sleeved is different so it's on for my work wardrobe 😂
new thread(s) incoming
Who's ready to SHOP
What are we buying? I've been at work all day
new capsule merch drop in 40 mins.
i'm excited. for some reason.
I’m also excited
woah mumma
Whose buying everything?
Nothing for me I don't think
Yeah not sure how I feel yet
Tshirt, thermal (?) top and pillow
A big yay for all of that, obviously 😍 Looking fantastic! But it's not for me
I do enjoy the pillow.
"A lot of these items will be limited, so once they’re gone, they’re gone."
150 pillows worldwide innit
I’m poor and can not afford this right now. Why is life so hard
Not fair
i just bought the Molecules Pillow ☺️
🎃get free FOO FIGHTERS pumpkin carving stencils with each order. 🎃 NEAT!
love the pillow and molecules long sleeve. Cant quite understand the thermal