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Yes, even though she is a good friend I'm sure she knows the score as well!
That’s nice yeah! 😊
I know what you mean about weddings, having to rearrange a few and thinking.. eke.... however, with 6 months of restrictions and then maybe a slow easing back to gatherings, I can't see Foos coming to Oz next Summer when they'd be traditionally coming over :( Although if we get clear before other countries and they allow people back in we may get them sooner.....
Rock In Rio Lisboa cancelled
Back in 2021
Pearl Jam just canceled the 2020 Euro tour.
I wish they'd hurry up an d cancel. They're obviously not happening and I'd like the ticket money back.
As I posted in the other thread I think France will be officially gone today. Well, they may not announce cancellation or postponement but France, like most places, currently has a restriction in place on large gatherings and Macron is supposedly going to announce that will be extended at least beyond these gigs in June.
That is the problem though, whether they're cancelled or postponed to a later date. Lot of decisions to be made, and it obviously affects whether you can get a refund or not. These companies are all trying to not lose as much money as they can.
Everyone's taking their time with it, the Hella Mega Tour is still officially going ahead and runs throughout June
Everyone is waiting for someone else to pull the plug so they're not the liable party. The Austrian festival FF were due to play at only got cancelled once their government outright blocked events from happening, which presumably passed the liability buck from the festival organisers. And likewise if FF aren't the ones to pull out, they're not liable.
German Government just said this today:
Large public gatherings including religious services will remain banned until 31 August. Bars, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and music venues will all remain closed.
So along with the French dates, and I'd assume the Italian and Spanish dates being the same... they're probably in discussions trying to see if its feasible to rearrange or postpone a year. If not, then cancellations will be soon.
Nimes Festival released a statement this morning - got the info needed here for it:
"It is thus with great sadness that in accordance with the decisions taken by the authorities, and in agreement with Mr. Jean-Paul FOURNIER, Mayor of NÎMES, we are obliged to immediately cancel the concerts planned as part of of the NÎMES 2020 FESTIVAL, for the period from June 16 to July 15, 2020.
For concerts from June 16 to July 15, 2020, we will communicate to you as soon as possible, all the information relating to the reimbursement procedures for tickets for canceled concerts which cannot be scheduled as part of the NÎMES 2021 FESTIVAL Edition.
We are currently working on these possible programming for the new Edition of FDN 2021. (info to follow)"
Was a longer statement but basically they are looking at seeing if they can rearrange for next year, if not money back to follow.
Expect the Berlin show to have a similar statement somewhere soonish
Blergh! This is totally the right thing to do - but sucks all the same
all pushed back to 2021
Happy 26th Y'all!
Wonder if some first night Nimes tix will pop up if some people can't make it...
They probably will... don't think it will be for a while though because it's a year away and most probably won't have planned that far ahead.
Well at least we know now :)
I'd imagine there will be a cut off date to say if you are unable to attend though.
true, they'll probably send out an email confirming the change of date soonish I think as its only just been confirmed
"For spectators who nevertheless would like a refund, we invite you to contact the point of sale from which you bought your tickets until March 31, 2021. No refunds and complaints will be accepted beyond March 31 2021."
For Nimes.
So almost a year for people to return without issues.
Tix could pop up at anytime then....
yep, just worth keeping an eye on it
Jesus, it could go on for months.....
probably will. I still don't have a ticket for night 2 but looks like there isn't any at the moment... whether it actually sold out or not I don't know.
Besides, next year will be up in the air for me until closer to the time so if I can't go and you still don't have one I'll let you know..
And i have tix for both nights. Nite 1 popped up a few minutes ago!
yeah they sent out an email and the last part said:
Hmmm.....maybe I should look for tickets now :)
Yes, yes you should! 😈