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I don't know about jam but my Hubby makes a mean Grapefruit marmalade.... (we have an abundance of the things!)
Might have to get some of that jam! It's pancake day and I see strawberry jam pancakes in my future.
That sounds incredible. I used to like lime marmalade when I was younger and love grapefruit. Think the sweet and sour would go so well!
I’ll bring a jar to the next gig we’re both at, then we’ll have to finally meet! They have yet to mention jam jars in the list of prohibited items .....😂
Oooh. I’d go for some Jam!
Don’t think we will get an announcement this week.
don't worry about that...everyone's too busy talking about jam now
Wouldn’t mind some lime marmalade though.
I'm surprised no one has said 'jammy bastards' yet.
And I do think London Jam (or other UK place) is a possibility.
I also do. But probably next week!
its payday this week isn’t it - they’ll announce it when they know we’ve all got money to burn!
Looking forward to trying grapefruit jam at London Jam!
Aka jamfest
search Jam Fest on googles.
job done!
Good news and bad news.
The bad, I have to work either Easter Friday or Easter Monday. Possibly both.
The good. Can use the days in lieu for Foo in neemies 😍
Always save the days in lieu for foo!
days in Foo
I’ve got unlimited holiday but can’t use it if more then two members of my team are out already
How does unlimited holiday work?!
Like you could take 30 weeks vacation?!!!
51 1/2
I have 28 days plus days in lieu which are probably between 5 - 7
That was one of the hardest things about transitioning to US work T&C's - the awful vacation allowance.
I'm lucky and still get 20 days paid vacation but that is not the norm, most people get 10 days. I couldn't cope with just 10 days.
Also sucks that for MONTHS I worked 90 hours a week - getting paid for 40 as I'm salaried - and I got nothing in terms of a single hour in lieu. I worked a whole years worth of hours in 6 months and didn't get diddly squat.
That sucks! We only get extra days if we work a bank holiday or a weekend day. Working late gets nada.
My friend from uni had to move to new York with work and they halved her holiday allowance so she only gets 15 days. People need days off!
90 hour weeks is insane. I probably do 50. Plus 20 commuting!
I mean I’ve never really gone drastically over the average. But it’s unlimited at the discretion of your manager so you take your usual 25-32 days and then you can add days on if you need them without much of a fuss. Though we can’t take more than 3 weeks in one go unless it’s for your own wedding or something.
What makes it worse is that if you are sick and cannot come into work you have to take it as vacation.
Yikes! Why do you live over there again 😂
I say this whilst freezing cold on day 659 of winter.
You can elect to take sick days as unpaid leave rather than use vacation but still it sucks.
Sometimes I do wonder why I stay
They could knock it off the extra 6 months work you do a year!
Wow, no paid sick leave in the States?! Mind you I’m self-employed so I don’t get any either nor paid holiday but I do have flexibility apart from immovable wedding days, especially when Caljam was on and the reason why no Van tour for me!
Australia isn’t too generous with annual leave either, most people get 4 weeks. I was up to 6 in the UK with long service which was nice.
I’m covering a conference for the next two days, leaving Hubs in charge of ticket buying so I can guarantee they’ll be on sale then!
I get 5 weeks annual, 3 weeks sick plus separate stress/carers/other leave (but I can't recall how much).
Shift work also means I can request early/late/nights to still do pretty much everything I want (within reason).
eta: Responded because I am in Aus, if that wasn't clear. I guess 4 is the standard, though.
Guys, any minute now 😍