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Are the Foos A political band?

I have noticed on different posts about last nights Stephen Colbert, fresh debate has started on if the band is political or not. Why does this cause a lot of concern for some people? I also scratch my head over people who are apparently fans but yet seem to have a hatred for them? The mind boggles. Help me out please.

Foos? A political band?
  1. Are the Foo Fighters are political band?12 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • matineeidyllmatineeidyll 844 posts
    edited November 2020

    They're not a "political band", but they're a band that has made their collective position known from time to time - and this is not a new thing, as some of these neckbeards are acting like it is.

    Counter-protesting the Westboro Baptist Church was a political statement. Carbon offsetting the production of their records and planting trees was a political statement. Contributing a song to an album supporting reproductive rights was a political statement. Performing a benefit raising awareness of violence against women was a political statement. Getting a lineup of support acts for an entire run of shows that all featured women was a political statement. Dressing in non-masculine clothing and being staunchly pro-LGBTQI is a political statement. Performing for children with developmental challenges was a political statement. Imploring their fans to register to vote at their shows was a political statement.

    But now that they've supported one candidate in particular, they're suddenly a "political band" and should "stick to music"? Please.

  • BexsterBexster 1,088 posts

    A bit? They're never going to be a political band in the mould of RATM, but they have clear leanings and I think they're not afraid to use their platform to stand up for something they really believe in.

    Also, the stick to music(insert famous job here) brigade do my nut. You just don't like them because they don't support your racist views. Are you telling Kid Rock or Ted Nugent to 'stick to music'? No you're not, so sod off.

  • BigColBigCol 984 posts

    Anyone who decides to not listen to a band because of their political views ahead of the music they produce isn’t even worth my time in talking to. I like bands who sit on both sides of the political fence.

  • BexsterBexster 1,088 posts

    It grates a little if it goes against my personal politics, but if I like the music then I'm still going to like the music.

  • SkezzSkezz 7,448 posts

    Chris Goss is a musician/ producer who has made some of the best records I've ever listened too but the guy is a massive Trump fan and quite honestly a nutty fellow who seems to believe in mass conspiracy so I've had to come to terms to seperate the man from his art. I don't see how a person's political point unless explicit in their body of work should stop anyone enjoying it. Obviously the likes of Rage didn't write their songs for those who lean more to the right so that I can understand maybe that causing a rift between listener and musicians

  • Whilst I generally don't go looking for a band's views, I'm not going to lie - if I find out that they are a vocal, hard core Trumper/Brexiteer, I'm probably going to stop listening to them. That's very different from someone who happens to lean slightly right.

    I do the same in my day to day life, I try to support businesses that are inclusive and not support those who are discriminatory. I don't see why art should be any different.

    On topic, the Foos are not a political band generally.

  • Great points above: they are not a political band, just a band full of good people who stand up for humans of all kinds. I agree with @Epic Failure : if I learn an artist I like is supporting hatred/bullying (trump and his kind) I can no longer support or listen to them.

  • SkezzSkezz 7,448 posts

    @Epic Failure & @WinnebagoHalo14 if the music became pro Trump then perhaps I'd switch off but I ain't going to stop listening just because these people have a head injury

  • Do you avoid any companies whose business practices you disapprove of? If so, why is music any different?

    I can happily accept people I don't like can make good music. I just don't want to support them in doing so if I think they will use the money from that support to propogate hatred and division. Hence why I avoid Chick-fil-A or Hobby Lobby, amongst others.

  • SkezzSkezz 7,448 posts

    I can't think of any companies I actively avoid for business practices. There probably are some that I do subconsciously. With regards to the music it's been around years before Trump and thankfully it'll be around a lot longer than him too.

  • It's nothing to do with Trump specifically, I just used him as an obvious current example. I stopped listening to Chris Goss before Trump because he cray cray.

  • SkezzSkezz 7,448 posts

    Oh no doubt but if it wasn't for Twitter I'd have had no idea. I unfollowed him on Twitter because I couldn't deal with his crazy.

    If his songs were to start reflecting his opinions then I might stop listening to that stuff.

  • StuFighterStuFighter 3,692 posts

    Not an out and out political band as such but I think certain themes crop up in their songs from time to time. I got a bit of a pro democrat vibe from the song Run... But I could be mistaken.

  • felipefelipe 58 posts

    Exactly what I think.

    Plus, politics nowadays are a much more sensitive subject than a few years ago, things got so radical that’s hard to wonder where an artist lean more towards, I can’t in good conscience support an artist who’s sympathetic to openly racist, intolerant, prejudiced against minorities, homophobic politicians. Just fucking can’t.

  • Yes, their musicals influences rest in a destruction point where politic and art meets.Two ,good or evil ,music or politics, sit in a finger of Good, to be created .

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