This forum will be closing on January 9th, 2025. Please save any messages or anything else you wish to keep beyond that date. Thank you for using the forum over the years. There is a topic in the 100% Foo Free section if you wish to comment on this decision.
Will the Foos drop something?
Any infos you want to share? Or celebrate the first album?
discuss here!
Dave's done an interview to "mark the occasion" on Apple Music.
Thought this thread would be booming....
Happy 25th FF!
man....i'd kill for a surprise song released today 😔
..which had nothing new, sadly.
Anyway happy 25th to the FF (and to my days as a fan), hope that the 30th will get the celebration it deserves!
We don't know if today they will do something, they might release something, 25 years its huge
Any minute now... maybe
Maybe!! 🙏🙏🙏
Happy 25th to FF and to all who have been around from the beginning!
We will celebrate it and whatever they have planned whenever we can have live shows again..?
Happy FF25!!
All this build-up and the most they could muster was a generic link to the album? Anyway, happy FF25
happy 25th. bit busy to spam a thread today
I agree. Pretty disappointed. But that's the standard for this year.
I woke up this morning all excited to ........
They are probably just as sad about this year as we are.
Was expecting a note from Dave Grohl about the album, the impact on the band, the start of this incredible journey, the significance a demo made in 6 days, the lasting least
Ok so the 25th did not happen in any way which sucks, understandable though.
Anyone aware if there was a proper plan for the 20th anniversary other than the show which luckily went ahead despite the leg break?
More media stuff and being out and about a little but nothing too dramatically different than what happened.
Ok so the leg break didn’t screw up much in that regard then.
I feel so damn bad for the band for having to scrap everything this time. Feel kinda bad for myself aswell as a fan for 25 years - even though I’m the first to call their new music not to my liking or moan about their setlists or other gig related stuff they still are probably the most important single band for me.