This forum will be closing on January 9th, 2025. Please save any messages or anything else you wish to keep beyond that date. Thank you for using the forum over the years. There is a topic in the 100% Foo Free section if you wish to comment on this decision.
Boston Calling Roll Call, please!
I've a stray friend planning on attending alone, and I told her I'd hook her up with you weirdos.
She's still a baby (early 20s) but she is lovely and will get along with everyone.
@Becks12 @Poppy4580
Planning on it but not definite yet
Solid maybe.
Just to get a quick Foo fix if no other non festival dates have been announced. Will wait to last minute on this one.
Will definitely be there.
I’m still debating.
If there are no full foo shows announced for first half of 2020 I might go. I really don’t like festivals but the lineup at Boston is better than any of the other festivals they are playing.
I'm getting severe guilt trips from my mates about missing the festival they're all going to that weekend...
Not enough to change my plans π yes I'll be in the Boston.
Plus I need a tour guide
I'll be there with Juls & Gabs... and you know first hand what good care givers/takers we can be...just as long as your friend doesn't pull a Geo and go MIA.
I don't think she knows anyone in Boston that'll kidnap her π
You'll love her. She's a total hippy (born and raised in Byron Bay). Her music taste may vary but between us all I'm sure we can convince her too catch some FF.
Checking in. @Geo, we're down to meet your friend.
Thread killer!
Yeah send her our way! We all know there is no better mix than an Aussie, a Welsh and a couple of SoCal girls π
And its bonus that no random Shiflett will kidnap her!
There's only 3 of them, can't be too random π
I'll start a group chat on whatever social beforehand so you lot can organise yourselves.
I booked my flights today.
With the rescheduling of Coachella and Stagecoach, etc... it sucks to think of it impacting BC 2020. But it sure feels like things are going to get worse before they get better. Time will tell. For now, fingers and toes crossed and looking for a virgin to sacrifice to the rock gods.
and it's cancelled.