This forum will be closing on January 9th, 2025. Please save any messages or anything else you wish to keep beyond that date. Thank you for using the forum over the years. There is a topic in the 100% Foo Free section if you wish to comment on this decision.
When the FUCK are we getting an announcement
I need to know what the plan is.
It’s coming!
I bloody well hope so.
im planning on coming to UK for whatever they have there. We can go drinking!
You can say Fuck, Poopy!
I wasn’t sure!
didnt want to get banned in the first hour 😬
I mean, it's a board in the name of Dave Fucking Grohl's band, it'd be a bit odd not to!
Well sometimes you can be so harsh
I corrected the thread title @Simon
You can say calm the FUCK down...this is allowed 🤣
fucking bastards need to announce soon.... 2 more people know about my pet project
You win 🤣
Oh your title made me laugh!
I hope it’s soon! I’m keeping July and August free but the end of the year is getting booked up with work which unfortunately will be I wince every time I get a booking 😬
I need an announcement soon. Everyone is touring this year
Apart from foo apparently 🙄
I don't even have a desire for Jazzfest or Montreal. I need normal Foo shows. So I'll likely be buying System of a Down/ Korn tickets next week
I only bought my Alanis tickets because I knew foo we’re away in Europe week.
There are too many great tours this year to pass up
im resisting..l..still resisting
Other bands are announcing for fall, so I think we're close to that except four July 4
Foo do not play by the rules.
expect the unexpected.
In that case....I expect nothing lol
Wise words
As long as I get enough time to request leave at work, I don't mind.
Oh man this is reminding me of 20 years ago when I made sure never to schedule any nighttime college courses because I had to be prepared to go to yet to be announced FF shows. Stressed me the fuck out.
Amen! I should have booked my time off quite a while ago but I can't until I get dem dates! Luckily my boss knows what is important and what isn't 😀
I have a hotel room in DC booked for July 4 weekend. I have warned work that I will probably be having another FOO-LY like I did in 2018!!! #goingtoeveryshowinMD/DC/PA/NY/NJ
I didn't even think to book a room already. That's a great idea. It'll be in some major city
For the love of god, wish they would just get on with it!!!
any moment now! surely!!! 😫