Taylor Hawkins Taylor Hawkins • 1972 - 2022 Visit Memorial

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Inaudible vocals on Headwires

Sounds like taylors voice at 3:17, does anybody know if it is him? In general, does anybody know if taylor sang backing on that album?


  • trevgregtrevgreg 55 posts

    I just put the track through Spleeter. Initially, I thought it was just Dave's voice doing some sort of inaudible loop. But having the vocal removed by itself, it does sound like Taylor.

    I can't make out what he's saying though. It sort of sounds like "Here, there, long" or "Here, hello."

  • Foo3001Foo3001 284 posts

    Definitely sounds like Taylor!

    Impossible to hear what is being said, a few words with a delay effect I guess.

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