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June UFO Report - Um who knows... but it's not us

FooZealandFooZealand 457 posts
edited June 2021 in General Foo Discussion

There's an unclassified version being made public by 25th June, but the classified one to US officials apparently basically just says nothing as expected, other than confirming there are NOT secret US projects involved.

If you've seen the videos for Gimble, TicTac etc and heard any of the interviews with David Fravor and about 6 other service people that have come forward in the last 5 years or so then you'll prob know it would have to be some kind of weather balloon this time.

I think it's great they are at least now not saying it's Jimmy's lost silver kite etc - because the evidence and level of on record statements out there now is beyond dismissible that they are either lying, or have seen things that are foreign. If the Russians could fly silently at Mach 60 or whatever the hell it is, change direction at 300G in any direction, then just float in mid air and finally pop underwater for a quick wash... I think we'd have heard about it - Putin wouldn't be able to help himself.

Anyway here's the latest from NYT today...


  • hoochhooch 721 posts

    Fine with me if it livens things up some, the news and stuffs is starting to get too boring again. But, even if it were announced that most of our advanced tech is alien tech that was given to the nazis which their scientists were forced to give to us after we brought them here after the war, would anyone even give a shit? I doubt it. It probably wouldn't even be headline news.

  • FooZealandFooZealand 457 posts

    And so it's all pretty much exactly as expected - the report is out here:


  • The report is just a cover story or dis-information. The US government, or at least some people in it, must know exactly what is going on with the UFO's. The so called "leaked" footage of the Gimble etc have not only been deliberately leaked but are pretty poor examples of UFO footage. There much better quality, clearer and colour UFO footage that has been genuinely filmed by members of the public and which the mainstream media is totally ignoring. All the mainstream media is interested in is footage "leaked" from the military and so far all we have had is poor quality black and white footage. I mean come on surely if the US military has made so many sightings they can do better than just grainy black and white footage, especially over the last 10 years. The whole group set up by the government to investigate and that is led by Luis Elizondo is a completely fake dis-information project. If you want some real good quality genuine UFO footage then please make regular visits to the Youtube channel ThirdPhaseOfMoon. Luis Elizando is former Counter-intelligence for crying out loud. Dr Steven Greer who has decades of inside information has challenged the Elizando group to a public debate and they have all backed down.

    Check out the documentaries Unacknowledged, and also Countdown to Disclosure the Secret Technology Behind the Space Force. The latter has interviews with children from 1994 who witnessed a UFO land in the playground in Zimbabwe, with an alien actually getting out, and with the same people again in 2021 and who still give the same account of what happened all those years later.

  • "There much better quality, clearer and colour UFO footage that has been genuinely filmed by members of the public and which the mainstream media is totally ignoring. .."

    Really? ... Now that doesn't sound believable.

  • The Government has complete control over what UFO footage gets shown on the TV. Correction my post above it is not the Countdown to Disclosure the Secret Technology Behind the Space Force documentary that has the Zimbabwe footage from 1994 but a documentary called The Phenomenon: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13095604/reviews

    The BBC have actually shown some of the footage from 1994: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-57749238

    The Phenomenon interviews the same children again in 2021, now grown up, and they stand by what they said in 1994.

  • Sorry, but if members of the public had valid high quality UFO pictures, we would be seeing it - social media is so huge, that it would not matter if mainstream media ignored it. Not to mention, what reason would they ignore it? They are all/only about the money, if they had something substantial, they would air it for viewership/sponsorship.

    You actually believe government is controlling mainstream media to NOT show UFO footage, but allows them to air anything they want in regards to making presidents or upper officials look bad?

  • Well, if you were to make regular visits to the World's biggest UFO Youtube channel, ThirdPhaseOfMoon, you would in due course find that the public submits hundreds of authentic UFO videos that are 100 times better quality than those that have been deliberately "leaked" out by the US Government in the last few years. However, there was recently one leaked out by the US Homeland Security which should still be online and although it was not the best of quality, the full video was 40 minutes long. As it was a Government agency it got some media attention, for example Huffington Post reported on it: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/08/14/ufo-hunters-claim-us-department-of-homeland-security-took-this-video_n_7988106.html . It was flying at 200mph and so could not have been a drone or a balloon blowing in the wind.

    Full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj5tL6tjqIk

    But as I have said, ThirdPhaseOfMoon presents the best footage from the public which is better than the "soft disclosure" that we are currently getting from the US government, but the latter is welcome as it is better than nothing from them.

    I'd be interested in your thoughts on the 1994 Zimbabwe incident mentioned above ?

  • Further to the above, as an example of what we regularly get on ThirdPhaseOfMoon, you won't find the mainstream media sharing this: check where it starts at 6:18: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CFt9BdbYko

    Much better than any of the videos that have come from the US Government and its not a drone!

  • O.B.geneO.B.gene 4,237 posts

    we call that a helium balloon in the real world πŸ™„

  • Come on, that's not blowing around like a helium balloon does, it's actually flying and it's going down not up like a helium balloon does.

    And I suppose you would say that the first UFO shown in this video and also the one that starts at 11:37 are balloons as well ? even though they are not blowing around ? Or maybe you would say they are kites, but I wouldn't be convinced by that either: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4Xh5Vyzun8

  • O.B.geneO.B.gene 4,237 posts

    they definitely can be explained as something boring and mundane unfortunately. I'd love to believe it, honestly...but for most people, reality isn't exciting enough so these types of videos exist. Everything can be explained. πŸ˜”

  • Well that's not what the US Government UFO Report is saying. That is saying that they cannot be identified and has also pretty much ruled out foreign technology such of that of Russians and Chinese. Let's see what the Thanksgiving announcement is :)

  • The first word in UFO is Unexplained.

    Since even the US govt says 98% of JUST the US services reported sightings in JUST the last 10 years or so are unexplained - then by straight US govt admission - UFOs exist.

    The Nimitz videos as just one example are proven real footage, confirmed real by govt, analyzed by experts the vast majority of whom say they are impossible to fake, confirmed by service staff as impossible to fake given the chain of custody. Flying at speeds in formation that no known propulsion system can achieve, and changing direction at g forces that would crush any human being. Disappearing and then reappearing at the waypoint the pilots were then heading to BEFORE the pilots got there.

    IMHO video doesnt need to be crystal clear to be the most significant. It needs to be factually provable, and supported by believable reports. I definitely think thats available now.

  • I still have doubts - every human now owns a pretty nice quality camera/phone. If there were truly something there, we wouldn't just have a blurred out pixelated, photos & vids. And what are these UFO's doing? Just hover and go away? To where? ... pretty sure we have ample high speed jet/drone technology to capture them.

  • Some pretty good analysis of false Elizondo & Co saga starting at about 7:34 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgeqXIY-UCk

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