Taylor Hawkins Taylor Hawkins • 1972 - 2022 Visit Memorial

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My hero Uk red 7”

Just managed to get hold of this. Has anyone else’s copy plastic sleeve gone a bit wrinkled. Has left a bit of an imprint on the vinyl too.


  • They pretty much all have wrinkles in now I'd say - down to the plastic they used. It would have to have been stored vertical since new (no weight on it) and even then you might not escape - I've seen many that have split as well over the years.

    Get some detergent and mix a very small amount with water in a cup - use a micro fibre cloth and wipe in circles following the grooves on a clean flat surface - like clean paper on the floor - then use plain water to wipe off the first mixture in circles again - then a dry mf cloth for a third wipe to finish. Good chance you will remove the marks, and you'll deff clean the record.

  • doinforddoinford 23 posts

    Just realised I didn’t thank you when you replied so thanks foozealand.

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