Taylor Hawkins Taylor Hawkins • 1972 - 2022 Visit Memorial

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Valencia gig ?

The Foo’s had a date in Valencia that was cancelled when Taylor passed . The venue I’d stunning and comparatively speaking not that big holding 6/7 thousand . Would love to get the opportunity to see them at that venue . The Airb&b we had was 5 minutes walk away and had a great bar next to it ! Almost the perfect storm . Fingers crossed


  • It will be interesting to see if they do play at any of those festivals. I had tickets to Nimes and was really looking forward to that one, being in an old amphitheater.

    I wanted Valencia but sold out pretty quickly!

    I bought the Nimes ticket during lockdown a year in advance of the rebooked 22 date. I didn’t even know if I’d ever be able to leave Australia at that point but just buying them gave me such a thrill!

    I’m not sure when those fest line ups are announced, hopefully soon!

  • i’ve got family and friends on Foo’s watch !

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